Skwigly Animation Magazine is always on the look out for both established, and new & upcoming writers. Whatever your background or interest in animation, we are always eager to work with new writers on any subject, including interviews, reviews and opinion pieces.
You’ll reach a global audience
Skwigly has a readership than spans over 100 countries and is viewed by some of the top professionals in animation. Once your article has been published, we make sure it reaches as many people as possible (via our website, Facebook, Twitter and email).
Become an expert
The more you write, the more you will become known as an authorative voice in the animation industry. Writing can be a great way to express yourself, to understand more about a subject or to promote your skills – whatever your reason, we have an audience waiting to read what you have to say!
What you’ll get
Writing for Skwigly may present opportunities to interview that animator or director you have always wanted to speak to, to review books before they hit the shelves, or to attend certain festivals and events. If there are any specific ideas you may have for articles, we are always open to suggestions!
Each author will get their own profile page, which will include a biography, photo and links to your website, Facebook and Twitter accounts.
If you are interested in writing for Skwigly, please contact us via the form below and let us know a little about yourself and the kind of articles you would like to write. Any links to existing articles you have written would be greatly appreciated.
We are always glad to make new contacts and explore new possibilities. We would be very happy to welcome you to our Skwigly team!