WildBrain launches original hand-drawn series ‘Boy & Dragon’
WildBrain has this month launched Boy & Dragon, a new original web series for kids that “celebrates the bond between one brave young knight and his oafish – but loveable – pet dragon”. Making use of traditional, hand-drawn animation, the series takes place in a notebook world, following the bizarre adventures undertaken and magical mayhem wreaked by the two main characters and their nemesis Evil Wizard.
Kids dream of leading their own independent life, with a loyal companion by their side…but what if the companion happens to be a gigantic, moronic dragon? It’s been thrilling to bring Boy & Dragon’s surreal world to life. I’m excited to share it with others.
-David Hutchinson, Boy & Dragon creator
The notebook setting that the characters exist within, helps propel the plot with exciting and often surprising artistic license. Characters can tear the paper, flick through pages and interact with margins, while the ‘all-mighty’ pencil can intervene at any moment by drawing new props into scenes. These playful dynamics bring a spontaneous energy to the narrative that will engage kids by transcending the limits of traditional storytelling.
Developed for younger audiences but appealing to all ages, Boy & Dragon is the first WildBrain Studios production to make use of traditional frame-by-frame animation, allowing for a greater visual dynamism, character expression and potential for visual humour and slapstick.

Pre-production drawings of Boy’s hand-drawn facial expressions
Subscribe to the Boy & Dragon YouTube channel to catch new episodes each week.