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What Are UK Animation Professionals Getting Paid? She Drew That Release Findings from Their 2024 Salary Survey

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Following the success of the first two She Drew That Salary Rates Report 2022 and 2023 and the interest they generated She Drew That committed to carry out a third and final salary survey to provide workers in the industry with more information about real time salary rates. The aim of using the findings is to promote awareness about pay levels and to support more salary discussion in the animation industry.

Report Highlights – Click the image to download the She Drew That Salary Rates Report

The final salary report (2024) survey findings capture a snapshot of salary data reported by over 500 animation professionals working in the UK. The questions in this survey are similar to the previous surveys, with minor revisions/additions following feedback, particularly the expansion of the list of animation job roles to provide more detailed insights from the responses. We aimed to capture as much pay information as we could for the variety of job roles in the animation industry and have used the median to ensure readers of this report can use this survey’s findings as a basis for comparison and trends in other surveys.

The report shows the survey’s findings, comparisons, and comment summaries on fair pay and good practice on rates/salary negotiation, as well as some suggested recommendations for the industry.

She Drew That is a community focusing on the promotion, support, and development of women in the UK animation industry. Through their resources, they intend to demystify the industry and create more access to jobs at every level.

She Drew That believes their salary report is an important resource for the UK animation industry, as it encourages a conversation about salaries and how we can strive for better pay.

Please join the discussion on their Instagram @shedrewthat and for a full outline of their findings head to


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