Slow Lo
What is the film about?
Slow Lo shows how every meal is a challenge when you don’t move fast enough. Especially when your chameleon roommate Clovis is always one step ahead.
A Nexus Studios R&D project, SlowLo is further brought to life by originally composed music and sound design courtesy of Ant Food.
What influenced it?
A little background information...
An R&D project undertaken to skill up artists in the studio to transition to using Maya, Substance, Yeti, and Houdini to deliver a stereoscopic 360 VR film in a production environment
How was the film made?
Conceived by CG Supervisor Florian Caspar back in 2013, Slow Lo entered production in a rare quiet moment in May 2017, supported by Nexus Studios. Initial Concept and Storyboards gave way to a live action animatic to blockout the movement and timings. From here a lone animator crafted the performances while a small team of artists created the beautiful moving world where the lighting is constantly moving.