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In A Nutshell

2017 // Documentary, Short Film, Stop Motion


Dir: Fabio Friedli

What is the film about?

From a seed to war, from meat to love, from indifference to apocalypse. An attempt to capture
the world in a nutshell.

A little background information...

Do you know the feeling when you scroll through the news and you try to understand what is
actually going on in the world? You feel that everything is related to each other but you can‘t
figure out how. And in my humble opinion, obviously no one does. With only a little bit more
human foresight, this planet would be a different place. So the film is actually about trying to
get to the bottom of all those relationships. What‘s connected with what in which way and
why. I tried to take a step back to get a better view of the bigger picture. Maybe you could
call it searching for the meaning of life.

How was the film made?

I hope that there are several points of access to a message or even a feeling in In a Nutshell.
Of course, it is a criticism of the outrageous materialism of our culture, a materialism that
allows me to talk about metaphysical subjects like love or religion only with objects. It is obviously
also an exaggerated reference to the speed of our zeitgeist. A speed that goes as fast
as it can to end up in a complete emptying of meaning and pure superficiality. That‘s a trap
I hope my film escapes but it forces you to read in between the lines or see in between the
frames. It is such an excessive amount of things, shown in such a short time, you are never
able to perceive everything. So it is your subconscious that chooses what you see, hear and
feel, depending on what is occupying your head and heart at the moment you are sitting in
that cinema.

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