What is the film about?
Based on a true story, CRUISING follows a young man through an extrovert\’s dream and an introvert\’s nightmare; the chaotic and cacophonous world of forced-fun aboard an insular cruise ship. His initial inability to accept his environment drives him to suicidal fantasy, where he learns to cope with his stressors, discomfort and anxieties.
A little background information...
After a family cruise in which I briefly contemplated jumping ship, I felt my inner conflicts within this environment and setting would make for an interesting story. After learning I’d be joining my family for a second cruise, I decided to use it as a research trip for a short animated film and it’s the only reason I didn’t go overboard the second time!
How was the film made?
A mixture of hand-drawn animation, Photoshop animation, video, photography and stop motion, all composited in After Effects.