‘Roberto’ Picks Up Tricks for Kids Award at ITFS 2021

Winner Tricks for Kids Award 2021 – ‘Roberto’
by Carmen Córdoba González
At the 28th Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film, the winner of the Tricks for Kids competition has been announced!
This year’s award show surprised with fantastic tricks in two respects: The children’s jury presented their winners of the day and the winning film from the Tricks for Kids short film competition. The magical host Alexander Merk accompanied the children jury and the audience with his magic tricks through the colourful animated film show. The Tricks for Kids Award comes with a cash prize of 4.000 €, sponsored by Studio 100 Media.
The Tricks for Kids Award 2021 goes to…
Spain 2020, 10:10 Min.
Director: Carmen Córdoba González
Producer: Carmen Córdoba González
15 years have passed and Roberto is still in love with his neighbour, but she prefers to hide ashamed of her body. With his art and an old clothesline as the only ways of communication, Roberto has a plan to push his beloved to face her monsters at once.
Jury statement (six children between 11 and 13 years, three girls and three boys):
The theme of “Roberto” was very convincing. Although the film has no dialogue, many emotions are conveyed. We understood many feelings through the appropriate music. The twist at the end was very surprising. The message we got was: “Every person is beautiful just the way they are.”
The jury also decided to award two Special Mentions. One Special Mention each was awarded to:
Reven og Nissen / The Tomten and the Fox
Norway, Sweden, Danmark 2019, 9:00 Min.
Directors: Yaprak Morali, Are Austness
Producers: Ove Heiborg, Thomas Gustafsson, Johan Palmberg
A hungry fox hunts for food on a cold winter night. He sneaks into a small farm to steal a snack when he is caught by the Tomten who guards the farm.
Jury statement:
The film has a beautiful atmosphere. The characters and the scenery are very lovingly designed. We liked the message of the film: Don’t always think about yourself, but also care about others!
Les Chaussures de Louis / Louis’ Shoes
France 2020, 5:15Min.
Directors: Théo Jamin, Kayu Leung, Marion Philippe, Jean-Géraud Blanc
Production: MOPA – L’Ècole du Film d’Animation et de l’image de Synthèse
School: MOPA – L’Ècole du Film d’Animation et de l’image de Synthèse
Louis, an eight and a half years old autistic kid arrives in his new school and he is about to introduce himself.
Jury statement:
The film is very lovingly designed. Sharing the mind of an autistic person with the audience is also a very beautiful idea. It can help to understand autistic people better. In addition, the topic is conveyed very well through the images.