Rex Factor – The Animated Show: Bringing history and entertainment together
Tinmouse Animation Studio and the internationally successful Rex Factor Podcast have teamed up to perfectly blend history and entertainment together, with an aim to bring fun, accessible history to the masses.
The pilot show delves into the history of the evil, murderous hunchback King Richard III… but is it time to rethink the legend? Podcast presenters Graham Duke and Ali Hood give us a run down of his life before rating him on a series of 5 Factors: Battleyness, Scandal, Subjectivity, Dynasty and Longevity before deciding on whether he get’s awarded the coveted…REX FACTOR crown!
Over the past 7 years, the Rex Factor podcast has built up a global fanbase and now’s the time to take it to the BIG screen. Tinmouse will be setting up a Kickstarter towards the end of July to fund the project’s final stages and it’s release in early 2018. They hope to garner your support to turn Rex Factor – The Animated Show into a reality.
Played out onstage in a 15th century theatre, the show is a 20 minute rip-roaring ride through the life and times of King Richard III. Caricatured presenters Graham and Ali provide an overview from his rise to power to his untimely death at the Battle of Bosworth. From blood-curdling military history for Battleyness, to being accused of poisoning his wife to marry his niece in Scandal, Richard III has it all. Not to mention those infamous rumors of what happened to the Princes in the Tower…
After this year’s Easter Monday announcement, to Rex Factor fans across the globe, the project has garnered great interest. With over 200 signs ups in the first 2 weeks, interest is high. The team has even managed to sway some major Ricardians into getting behind the project, with the Richard III on Twitter exclaiming “Yo! This is something I approve of!”. Need we say more?
The team at Tinmouse are currently working hard on the pilot episode. With character designs, storyboarding and recording done, they’re heading into the animation stage and towards the end of July, will be setting up a Kickstarter to fund the rest of the project. This funding will help to garner the talents of further animators, sound designers and musicians to bring to life this historic show and bring history to the masses in 2018. They would welcome your support in bringing Rex Factor – The Animated Show to life… so what are you waiting for!
We’re really excited to be working with Tinmouse to bring Rex Factor to life in cartoon form. Our podcast has always strived to be well-researched but also light-hearted and accessible, and we’re sure that this combined with the brilliant and imaginative animation of Tinmouse will be a perfect match.
We have a loyal fanbase already excited about the project and with your support we should be able to create something really special.
– Graham Duke | Presenter (Rex Factor Limited)