Skwigly Animation Podcast #1 Peter Lord, Fraser MacLean and Tax Breaks.
We are very pleased to present you with the first ever Skwigly podcast! Hopefully this will be the first of many and we really hope you enjoy it. We want this to be just as interactive as our Twitter account and Facebook so if you wish to get involved or have any topic you wish us to address in the next podcast then please get in touch with us on either Facebook or Twitter or by email at podcast [@] or leave a comment below.
What’s in the Podcast?
- A chat with Peter Lord from Aardman animations about “The Pirates! In and Adventure with Scientists”.
- Miles Bullough, the head of broadcast for Aardman discusses the new Tax incentives for High-End TV, Video games and Animation industries, we also read emails from A Productions, Beakus, Muleram and Slurpy Studios.
- We discuss the news of Glen Keane’s departure from Disney and read your tweets.
- An interview with Fraser MacLean about his book Setting the Scene.
- We take a look at the winners of this year’s British Animation Awards.
- Steve says “Fantastic” too many times and Ben discusses his issues with Peppa Pig merchandise.
We also launched the first our podcast versus battles, which is best? Family Guy or The Simpsons? Vote in the Poll and add your all important comments below, We will be reading some out in the next podcast.
Family Guy or The Simpsons?
- The Simpsons (70%)
- Family Guy (30%)

The podcast is written and presented by Ben Mitchell and Steve Henderson with Music by Wesley Allard