Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted: Review
The Madagascar franchise has returned, and this time it has it’s sights set on Europe!
The film starts where the second installment left off; with the former New York zoo inhabitants still in Africa but desperate to get home. Abandoned by the penguins, our heroes: Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Gloria the Hippo and Melman the Giraffe, head to Monte Carlo to track down the penguins and, hopefully, their ticket home.
Unfortunately, none of the gang anticipated the determined (and slightly demented) animal control officer; Captain Chantel DuBois (Frances McDormand), who will not rest until the animals are caught.
Fleeing from danger, the animals are forced to join a traveling circus in hope of it bringing them closer to their dream of getting to the Big Apple. Sadly this isn’t as straight forward as they’d hoped.
This is the first Madagascar picture to feature 3D technology and they have definitely made extensive use of it – it has the feel of a kid with a new toy. This doesn’t mean it’s completely inappropriate; it fits in perfectly with the zany approach of the other Madagascar films, but be warned, it will have you leaning back in your seat.

This movie has made sure it stays fresh by adding a lot of new characters. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always feel that there is time to get to know all of them, which is a shame as there are definitely characters I wanted to see more of. Martin Short is a great casting choice for Stefano the ‘slightly below averagely intelligent’ Seal. His animation is second to none; you see every thought reflected on every part of his face and there are normally a lot of thoughts in this seal’s head.
The character designs of the humans won’t be to everyone’s taste, but the backgrounds and new locations are creative, well designed and fit perfectly into the already established world of the Madagascar troop.
In terms of comedy, King Julian steals the show. His side story doesn’t overpower the film but his love affair with a tutu-wearing, bicycle-riding bear is a great side element to the movie. It’s almost sacrilegious to say this but, in the past, King Julian has been a little too much of a presence in the films for me but the third movie uses him perfectly, to the point that you wish you could see more. King Julian was definitely on top form.
You will have to suspend disbelief for this film as it’s an extremely fast-paced, neon party from beginning to end. It does have dance numbers, it does have a loose sense of reality and it does have human characters that will haunt you for a while after, but kids will leave happy and everyone else will leave a little dazed yet, ultimately, on a sugary high.
(And of course you will leave humming the end theme song ‘Afro Circus’ for hours after)
Coming to a cinema (UK) near you on the 19th October 2012.