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Irish TV Projects To Watch Out For At Cartoon Forum 2014

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With Cartoon Forum 2014 taking place in a week (23-26 September) we wanted to introduce the fantastic projects coming out of Ireland this year. Let us know your favourites below!

Dragon Fist

Episodes & Technique: 52 X 11’ 2D COMPUTER / 3D COMPUTER
Producer/Company: Treehouse Republic

Dragon Fist Cartoon Forum

Earth has been enslaved by a bizarre hedonistic  alien race, the Seltze, using a bio-engineered bubble gum that controls the human mind and creates docile slaves. But not all humans have succumbed to oppression and word is spreading that a weapon with the power to free them has been found: the Dragon Fist! In the hands of a master, the Dragon Fist would be unstoppable; unfortunately it’s in the hands of Jake, a 14-year-old with a tendency for horse play and no understanding of their true potential.

Ellie the Ace

Episodes & Technique: 52 X 11’ 2D COMPUTER
Producer/Company: Cartoon Saloon

Ellie the Ace Cartoon Forum

To most people the sky’s the limit… to Ellie it’s home! Up in the clouds is a very unusual town where flying is part of everyday life. On the floating islands of Lockhart you take a plane to get to school, grab a glider to visit your friends, and soar high on big adventures. Ellie is a 10-year-old who also happens to be a daredevil explorer and an ace pilot. She is outgoing and optimistic, always on the lookout for adventure, and eager to make new friends… Any excuse to get her plane out and about!

Kiva Can Do!

Episodes & Technique: 52 X 11’ 2D COMPUTER / 3D COMPUTER
Producer/Company: Kavaleer Productions

Kiva Cartoon Forum

Kiva Khan is a 5-year-old girl who knows how to make her own fun and whose imagination knows no bounds. Along with her best friend, Saul Dunne and her dog Angus (whom Kiva built out of shoeboxes and paper towel rolls), Kiva can create absolutely anything and go absolutely anywhere. “Kiva Can Do!” is a 52×11 show for pre-schoolers whose heroes need only a cardboard box, some bits and bobs, and whole lot of imagination to have a grand adventure.

Little Roy

Episodes & Technique: 52 X 11’ 2D COMPUTER / LIVE ACTION
Producer/Company: JAM Media


“Little Roy” is a pre-school comedy/drama, liveaction/animation hybrid series. This is a show about self-discovery through imaginative play. “Little Roy” follows the everyday adventures of 5-year-old Roy O’Brien, an imaginative, enthusiastic, inquisitive and a playful little 5-year-old. He is similar to other kids his age in every way, except for one thing, he’s a cartoon! This show endeavours to capture those moments in a child’s development where they can easily get lost in imaginative play.

Millie and Mr. Fluff

Episodes & Technique: 52 X 5’ 2D COMPUTER
Producer/Company: Mooshku

Millie & Mr Fluff Cartoon Forum

Every kid loves a day out at the zoo but wouldn’t it be a shame if you didn’t see your favourite animal? So when an animal is sick or needs the day off, little Millie the Zookeeper knows exactly who to call: Mr. Fluffington-Strypes – gentleman, actor, master of disguise. He can stand in for any animal, can blend in anywhere, will be anything. Well, anything but those meddlesome monkeys! Millie and Mr. Fluff make the perfect team for fun, silliness and lots of laughs.

Papa’s Boy

Episodes & Technique: 26 X 7’ 3D COMPUTER
Producer/Company: Ink and Light & Muste ja Valo (Finland)

Papas Boy Cartoon Forum

Papa Mouse longs to relive his own youthful adventures with his son Twig. He’s ready to teach his boy to swim, box, camp and all the other things one should know. Unfortunately Twig usually misunderstands and finds his own way to do things, like when he was learning to be a cowboy, and came dressed as a cow. All this exasperates his father, but also makes him laugh and when Shopkeeper’s Cat appears, looking for a tasty mouse snack, Papa and Twig pool their ideas to outwit the clumsy cat.


Episodes & Technique: 6 X 22’ 2D COMPUTER
Producer/Company: Wiggleywoo

Scribe Cartoon Forum

Sean and Kem have nothing in common… apart from being the best friends in the world. Sean, a silly 24 year old from the north side of Dublin decides to go back to college, so he enrolls in a “back to education” scheme. Kem, a timid 42 year old from Nigeria is brought on to be his “Scribe”. For some reason Sean and Kem seem to attract silliness. They constantly find themselves in ridiculously awkward situations, and the more the duo try rectify things the

The Dinkers

Episodes & Technique: 52 X 11’ 2D COMPUTER
Producer/Company: Monster Entertainment

The Dinkers Cartoon Forum

Kerrys, an 8-year-old girl, discovers a community of tiny, playful bear-like creatures – Dinkers – in the beautiful and secluded, overgrown woods near her new home. These Dinkers are feral but cute, and very, very mischievous – and it’s up to Kerrys to keep them out of trouble.


Episodes & Technique: 52 X 11’ 2D COMPUTER
Producer/Company: Wulfie Animation & Monster Entertainment

Wulfie Cartoon Forum

Libby is 10-years-old and has a brand new best friend. His name is Wulfie. He’s noisy, mischievous and insatiably curious – but he’s also a purple wolflike creature from another world! With Wulfie as her best friend, keeping out of trouble is going to be a full time job!

For more information, visit the CARTOON website at:

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