Cartoon Movie 2025
Cartoon Movie is neither a fair nor a festival, but rather a co-production forum for European animated feature films.
For two intense days, European producers have the opportunity to pitch their animation project in order to speed up financing, find cross-border partners and interest international distributors and sales agents.
- 750 participants from 35 countries
- 200 buyers including 120 distributors
- 56 projects to be pitched in 4 categories (concept, development, production and completed films)
- A convivial atmosphere ideal for networking (Opening night, Croissant & Coffee Shows, Farewell dinner, buffet lunches…)
- Cartoon Games: keynotes & matchmaking sessions between gaming and animation companies
- 229 films financed for 1.5 billion EUR since the 1st Cartoon Movie in 1999
- Lyon, birthplace of cinema and leading city in interactive entertainment