CEE Animation Forum 2023 Is Presenting the Winners

© CEE Animation Forum
The CEE Animation Forum, the largest pitching and networking event in Central and Eastern Europe dedicated to the animated projects, took place on 8th and 9th November. A total of 28 projects were presented in the 4 main competitions, with the juries presenting awards to a total of 12 animated works.
The project selection for CEE Animation Forum 2023 boasts an impressive lineup, featuring a diverse range of animated content across various categories. The total budget of all 28 pitching projects reaches a staggering €29 million, showcasing the ambitious scale and potential impact of these productions. To cater to different target demographics, the selection includes 8 projects for children up to 10 years old, 6 projects for teenagers, 8 projects for young adults, and 7 projects aimed at adult audiences.
I am very proud of every team on the stage – from debuting students fearlessly stepping in front of a professional audience for the first time, to experienced filmmakers unveiling a multitude of highly ambitious projects. Their creativity and courage defined the essence of our CEE Animation Forum.
Marta Jallageas, managing director of the CEE Animation Forum
Financial support for the event was provided by the Czech Film Fund, Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, Audiovisual Producers´ Association (Czech Republic), Pilsen Region (Czech Republic) and the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest.

© CEE Animation Forum
List of Winners
- My Little Heroes (d. Javier Galán, p. Ivan Agenjo, Peekaboo Animation, Fabrique Fantastique, Spain, Belgium)
- Winner: Nine Lives Left (d. Zacharias Mavroeidis, p. Maria Kontogianni, Wild at Heart, Greece)
Jury statement: We feel the potential of the story (at least we are going to discover what cats think of us!). But we feel this is not around the travel between childhood and teenager more about what we want for our life.
- Winner: Rainy Days (d. and p. Ani Antonova Hristova, Austria, Bulgaria)
Jury statement: We decided to give main Award to Rainy days for its great potential and unusual main character. We see the project as very original and poetic. We also appreciate the
personal aspect, since it’s female family business, artistic cooperation of two generations.
- Special Mention: Dolls (d. Joachim Hérissé, p. Stéphanie Launay, Komadoli Studio, France)
Jury statement: We decided to award ‘Dolls’ with a Special Mention for its quality and originality. We appreciated its connection to the tradition of Czech puppet animation. We consider the project very artsy, a counterpart to consumerism, and also a very personal endeavor.
- Winner: Nightbloom (d. Kata Gugić, p. Vanja Andrijević, Bonobo Studio, Croatia)
Jury statement: For the quality of the artists’ research, their originality, and their capacity to experiment with narrative through the creation of an entertaining and pop universe.
- Special Mention: Be Still My Heart (d. Melinda Kádár, p. Bella Szederkényi, CUB Animation, Hungary)
Jury statement: For the vulnerability of the process, the clarity of vision and risk taking, as an encouragement to push the surreal element further and deeper.
- Winner: Stuck in the Wasp Nest (d. Agnes Milla Bereczki, p. Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia)
Jury statement: The jury was impressed by the professional presentation and the author’s ability to process a personal trauma with honesty and humor. They were captivated by its original visuals and clear storytelling.
- Special Mention: It´s (Not) Yours (d. Santiago Ordoñez, p. Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia)
Jury statement: This film tells a deep story with a minimalistic style. The jury was impressed by the maturity and the strong atmosphere behind, as well as by the expressive sound design that complemented the graphic visuals.
CEE Animation Workshop
- Riamise (d. Francesco Forti, p. Federico Turani, Ibrido Studio, Italy)
Ciclic Residency
- Nightbloom (d. Kata Gugić, p. Vanja Andrijević, Bonobo Studio, Croatia)
TV Paint
- Eruption (d. Zoe Nagy, p. MOME Anim – Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Hungary)
Cartoon Movie – direct access
- Hawl (d. Joanna Jasińska-Koronkiewicz, p. Anna Mroczek, Wojtek Leszczyński, Przemysław Pilarczyk, Likaon / WJT, Poland)
- MouMoush – the King of Plastic (d. Milorad Krstic, p. Radmila Roczkov, Hermina Roczkov, Hungary)
Young Horizons Industry – direct access
- Rainy Days (d. and p. Ani Antonova Hristova, Austria, Bulgaria)
Animarkt Stop Motion Forum – direct access
- Dolls (d. Joachim Hérissé, p. Stéphanie Launay, Komadoli Studio, France)
Description of projects: ceeanimation.eu/forum/2023-cee-animation-forum/selected-projects