Anima, Brussels Animation Film Festival, is Calling for Your Films!
For its next edition (21 February – 1 March 2020), Anima, the Brussels Animation Film Festival, is looking for stunning and unexpected animated films! Besides its national and international competitions, the Festival is qualified by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for the short animated film category. European feature films selected in competition are eligible for the Emile Awards along with the award winning European short films.
The Festival considers all films in the following categories, completed after 30 June 2018:
- International professional short films
- International student or graduation films
- International short films for a young audience
- Feature films
- Feature films for a young audience
- Belgian short films
- “Animated Night” short films
- Commercials and music videos (out of competition)
You can now submit your film online via our entry form.
Deadline: 1st October 2019. No entry fee requested!
A few words about this year’s visual…
Pierre Bailly was born in Algiers in 1970 and now lives in Liège (Belgium) where he creates various comic books.
He first published with the writer Denis Lapière: “La Saison des anguilles” the series for children “Ludo” (with drawings by Vincent Mathy) and “Agadamgorodok”.
In 2006 his partner Céline Fraipont imagined the iconic, optimistic, crazy character of “Petit Poilu” and created the stories according to the concept of a comic book without words. Emotion, empathy and wonderment are the watch-words of these 22 books, drawn by Pierre and published by Dupuis.
Their darker graphic novel, “Muret”, was published with Casterman in 2014. Pierre then co-directed (with Olivier Brugnoli) 78 episodes of the animated series “Petit Poilu” inspired by the comic books. The 23rd album and the second season of the series are now in progress. He has recently published a popular science comic book “Homo Sapiens” with the paleoanthropoligist Antoine Balzeau published by Lombard).